From game-changing innovations to policy wins shaping the future, see how we advanced health care and patient access.

Innovation in Action

Every day, medtech is reshaping the future of health care—advancing early detection, accelerating recovery, and enhancing quality of life. Explore groundbreaking advancements that are making a real difference for millions.


Cut heart disease fatalities by 59%


Days spent in hospitals cut in half


4,000+ diagnostic tests available today


2 million direct and indirect U.S. jobs

Industry Facts

Millions of patients’ lives are improved every day because of advancements in medical technology. Medical technology companies strive to innovate and develop the best tools to diagnose and treat patients. Discover the true impact of our industry.

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AdvaMed’s Medical Innovation Agenda

AdvaMed is collaborating with leaders and medtech champions from both parties in both houses of the 119th Congress on our top medtech priorities to foster greater medical innovation and expand access to medical technologies.

Latest Research

Our experts are continually conducting new and valuable research for the medtech industry.

stack of books with stethoscope

Key Events

2025 AdvaMed Events

Explore AdvaMed’s 2025 event lineup! These dynamic events provide the opportunity for both members and nonmembers to connect, collaborate, and stay informed on the latest trends and developments in the medtech industry.

Our Latest Resources

Digital Health / Government & Legislative Affairs / Medical Imaging

AI Policy Packet

Discover how AI is transforming medical technology with the AI Policy Packet. Learn how Congress can unleash even more innovation with targeted legislation. Download your copy today!

Coverage & Payment / Diagnostics / Global & Trade / Government & Legislative Affairs / Health Equity / Legal / Regulatory Affairs / Small Business

The Medical Innovation Agenda for the 119th Congress

AdvaMed’s medtech priorities for the 119th Congress highlight opportunities to address the most important issues facing patients and the medical technology industry today.

Government & Legislative Affairs

AdvaMed 2025 State Policy Briefing: EPR

Hear from Multistate policy experts Joe Rinzel and Townsend Brown as they discuss state product stewardship and producer responsibility policy trends.

portrait of Kevin Lobo

“As an AdvaMed member, Stryker has benefited tremendously from the access we have to so many resources.”

Kevin Lobo, Chairman and CEO, Stryker
Tracy MacNeal

“We’ve had access to issues and networks in regulatory, health economics and fiscal policy that we would never have had as an independent medical device company.”

Tracy MacNeal, President & CEO, Materna Medical
portrait of Martha Shadan

“The opportunities to engage, learn and stay informed through membership in AdvaMed is invaluable to us as a start-up organization.”

Martha Shadan, President & CEO, Miach Orthopaedics

For Diagnostics Companies: AdvaMedDx

AdvaMedDx is the world leader in advocating for health care policies that support diagnostic testing through robust innovation, timely regulatory approval, appropriate payer coverage, payment rates commensurate with impact on care, and rapid adoption of new, safe and effective diagnostic tests.

For Emerging and Early-Stage Companies:
AdvaMed Accel

Dedicated to the needs of smaller medical technology companies, AdvaMed Accel works to ensure the voice of small pioneering and entrepreneurial companies is heard by policymakers.

AdvaMed Digital Health Tech

AdvaMed Digital Health Tech promotes the critical role of data and digital medical technologies in improving patient care. The Center provides digital medical technology companies opportunities to explore sector trends, challenges, and opportunities; network with and learn from peers; and shape public policy positions to advance digital medical technology contributions to health care.

registered nurse consults digital tablet by patient's bedside
Doctor reviewing a patient's MRI scan

Medical Imaging

AdvaMed’s newest division — Medical Imaging – represents the world’s largest, leading companies that are providing healthcare professionals with the ability to screen, diagnose, treat, and monitor patients by providing accurate, detailed images.


MedtechVets helps veterans find meaningful employment in the medical technology industry. Sponsored by AdvaMed, this nonprofit bridges the gap for veterans by providing personalized career transition services, mentorship, career development guidance, and industry networking.

three people collaborating over laptop in library

Become an AdvaMed Member

Join over 500 medical technology companies as a member of one of the most effective trade associations in Washington, D.C.